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pole wear fabric


We now only use fabrics which are either deadstock, remnant or end of roll. You may be wondering what this means and what this has to do with your pole wear


Deadstock fabric consists of surplus fabrics from designers, textile mills and garment factories. Often what happens in the fashion industry is that too much fabric may have been ordered and made, it may have accidentally been dyed or made in the wrong colour, it may have imperfections or production of a garment in that fabric may have stopped due to it being a bad seller. This creates a huge amount of waste in the fashion industry as what then happens to this fabric? For a long time it was disposed of often into landfills and sometimes even burnt, however the fashion industry has cottoned on that smaller name designers, fabric shops and consumers are happy to get their hands on their fabric waste to turn into something new.


Fabric remnants are pieces of fabric which are leftover from runs of fabrics at textile mills as well as pieces that are left over from garment productions as they are not big enough to be used. Remnants range in size. 


This is fabric that is last of its kind, it can be leftover from a designer who didn’t use as much as they had anticipated. 

Benefits of using deadstock, remnant or end of roll/line fabrics



Using deadstock, remnant or end of roll fabrics to create pole wear is saving fabric from ending up in landfill. Some luxury designers even burn their left over fabrics which is incredibly damaging and toxic for the environment so we must save what fabric we can!



Using leftover fabric means that fabric mills aren’t having to create additional textiles for me to create your pole wear from. From dying to knitting/weaving and printing fabric manufacturing uses a whole lot of materials and energy for its production. We also don’t have that many mills left in the UK so much of it will be shipped from overseas



As pole wear only uses small pattern pieces it’s a fantastic way to try to prevent any additional waste being created in the fashion industry. I now only use the above fabrics to hand make your pole wear from. This means no fabric is being specifically made in order for me to create you the most gorgeous pole wear sets, we are in fact only using fabric which already exists!



As the fabrics I use are not being mass produced specifically for pole wear it is highly unlikely that you will see anyone else with pole wear made from the same fabric as you. I only create in small batches, creating 1-2 pieces in each fabric in each design or sometimes less which means you will get something truly individual and unique. 

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